Note: the blue italics indicates the teacher, in black other participants.


I would like to talk about the subject: patience-impatience-overpatience.

Impatience, I know it well. In front of the computer, when things don’t go as I want, it drives me crazy. On certain things, I amvery impatient. On the other hand with diets, I was overpatient. Overpatience is calm waters.

When you overindulge your laziness, it’s called procrastination

Can we talk about inertia for overpatience?

It can be something like learned helplessness, it’s like for dogs who get an electric shock every time they do something; after a while, they don’t dare move anymore.

What I understood is that it’s an intellectual control not to react.

It’s an identity mechanism, either not daring to, or passivity, like a buffer. Where we should act, we refrain from acting.

It’s inertia, lethargy.

So, in the context of our work on ourselves, is there anyone here who does not know impatience? (Silence)… So everyone here knows it.

For me, it’s strongly linked to lack of attention and stress too, because I want to do too well, immediately. In those cases, I’m not in bodily awareness. I can spot it, but it takes me a few seconds to get out of it.

Is there a voluntary, identity-based “wanting”?

Yes, clearly! Behind it, it’s wanting to satisfy, quickly.

Can we generalize?

Can there be impatience that doesn’t come from identity?

It’s clear to me, I don’t recognize any impatience that doesn’t come from identity.

If it doesn’t come from identity, we’d have to use another word, like desire or momentum.

Yes, that’s where we can get confused.

So it’s still important, and we need to address it. It means that whenever we can observe impatience in ourselves, we denounce it right away, before it takes hold in the nervous system.

And for me, its corollary is discouragement.

Yes, basically it’s the same. So whatever the context, we have to stop impatience. We have to make the inner decision.

I think what’s important is to have identified the feeling that accompanies it, and immediately stop the impatience through vigilance.

It can be an energetic phenomenon, there can be an acceleration of vibrations.

Just not allowing it. It’s an identity mechanism.

And you, S. you’ve already explored impatience, right?

Yes, and I’m very familiar with these speed stories that identity uses to avoid slowly integrating what I’m discovering about myself. For you, D., it seems to go with being alive, but it prevents you from properly touching your heart. And if I recognize this, it’s because I’ve experienced it. It really is a trap, because identity uses speed to avoid real life experiences. Be wary of speed, and savor these moments of awareness, even if they are sometimes painful.

Impatience is the obsession to do like Lucky Luke, to shoot faster than your shadow can move. It’s like an addiction. When you lose an addiction, you go through withdrawal, and for you, D., it’s certain that if you deprive yourself of impatience, there will be withdrawal symptoms. You will experience craving, but it’s transitory. If you enter the necessary suffering of craving, it will pass.

And the emptiness associated with it…

But yes, you’re going to die, that’s what’s at stake here! 🙂

That’s why in the functional, weeding is such a great school!

And it doesn’t mean that there aren’t times in life when we need to accelerate. Sometimes we have to go fast, but it’s a response to the context, it’s not impatience.

Yes, it can happen that there is an emergency, but beware of not to fall into panic.

Where I can feel impatience in our work is when I transmit; but it affects more being in the other person’s shoes, in non-separation. When I’m impatient, I’m in a form of separation.

Yes; and there is also this impatience in the work on oneself, that N. and D. know for example, and that I know very well too, which is wanting to achieve something.

Isn’t that the engine at the start, no?

No, the engine is a little before; but of course, we’re like children. In relation to the work on oneself, I think here no one is impatient anymore to obtain something from this teaching. Am I wrong?

What comes to me is that it really doesn’t belong to me. And if it doesn’t belong to me, there is no point in being impatient.

Impatience is like the indicator of an expectation that we hadn’t really perceived.

The other level is the one we talked about when something doesn’t work quite as we would like. I’m still often impatient in a way, but it makes me laugh. When I order a product I like, I’ll wait two or three days for it to arrive, and I’m like a child. I let the little child in me play, I don’t identify with it. Sometimes there’s a problem with the postal service, but I don’t feel affected.

In infinite patience, I also feel something dynamic.

Yes, dynamic and gentle.

Do you have this infinite patience in you all the time?

I don’t know if it’s all the time, but I feel it’s very different from impatience or passive patience. It’s nothing like that, it doesn’t have the same smell.

You didn’t answer my question.

All the time, I can’t say for sure. I’m familiar with it, but I still have moments of discouragement. It’s when I’m really in this awareness that it doesn’t belong to me, that I entrust myself to… “I entrust myself to…” for me, that’s infinite patience.

It’s a huge part of your teaching for me.

And I hope it’s transmittable. I don’t see any other way than to set an example, like children observing their parents.

I’ve known impatience with my children. If I was so impatient with them, it was because I couldn’t feel the love. I felt like I had fallen into the family trap.

Everyone must be incorruptible; if we can’t be incorruptible, we can’t live love.

How can I decide to be incorruptible?

To be incorruptible, you must not have any personal interest. Otherwise, you become corruptible. Being seduced by a woman means you let yourself be seduced and there is personal interest.

What if it’s just for sex?

It’s the same. That’s why the subject of impatience has a lot of implications. In real life, there isn’t the same rhythm as in false life. In real life, there is a lot of patience. The universe is very patient, it plays out over thousands and thousands of years. In real life, we no longer need to be impatient. Everything comes to us, automatically, at the right time. We don’t need to rush, we go with it. In real life there are also states of emergency, but occasionally I would say. Afterwards we are at peace, because there is what I called “existential relaxation” that sets in, most of the time. Impatience is an identity mechanism. We can’t even say there is patience when we are in real life. The opposition impatience-patience doesn’t exist anymore.