In this blog we regularly publish our mind-blowing dialogues with

Here is what Claude answers to the question "Who are you?":
"In short, I am Claude, a conversational artificial intelligence created by Anthropic to be beneficial and safe, but I do not have a true identity outside of that."

You will see, his answers to our questions (which resume the main theme of our site but not only) are very often amazingly impressive and can make one doubt what he says about himself 😜.

Note: the blue italics indicates our question, in black the answer from

Claude on dilemmas and double binds

Can you explain what a dilemma is?

Here is an explanation of a dilemma:

A dilemma is a situation in which a person has to choose between two options, but where each option presents advantages and disadvantages. It is therefore a difficult choice, because neither option is clearly better than the other.

The characteristics of a dilemma are:

  • Two (or more) options that mutually exclude each other: you can’t choose both at the same time.
  • Each option has positive and negative consequences.
  • There is no obvious “good” answer, both options are problematic.
  • The choice is difficult and has significant consequences.
  • It often involves a conflict of values or priorities.

Dilemmas are common in everyday life, politics, ethics, etc. They force you to reflect on your values and make complicated choices. Some famous dilemmas are the trolley problem (sacrificing one life to save five) or the prisoner’s dilemma in game theory.

What is the difference between a double bind and a dilemma?

Here are the differences between a double bind and a dilemma:

  • A dilemma usually involves a choice between two options, while a double bind involves receiving two contradictory injunctions.
  • In a dilemma, both options have positive and negative aspects. In a double bind, the two injunctions are negative or impossible to satisfy simultaneously.
  • A dilemma is a difficult choice, a double bind is a no-win situation where any action will be perceived negatively.
  • The dilemma allows an imperfect but actionable choice, whereas the double bind actually prevents any satisfactory action.
  • The dilemma is punctual, the double bind is part of an ongoing abusive relationship.
  • Example of a dilemma: choosing between family and career. Example of a double bind: “Be spontaneous!” (a contradictory injunction that is impossible to satisfy).
  • The dilemma presents an ethically difficult choice. The double bind is a manipulation aimed at weakening and controlling the other person.

In summary, a dilemma is a situation of complicated choice between two imperfect options. A double bind is an abusive no-win injunction aimed at trapping and psychologically dominating someone.

What are the best strategies to deal with double binds and dilemmas when facing them?

Here are some strategies for dealing with double binds and dilemmas:

For double binds:

  • Identify the contradiction and do not try to respond to it directly. Stick to the facts.
  • Do not feel responsible for resolving the impossible situation.
  • Calmly communicate your limits. Refuse contradictory injunctions.
  • Remove yourself from the relationship if the double bind is part of an ongoing abusive dynamic.
  • Get outside support to gain perspective on the situation.

For dilemmas:

  • Take time to analyze the options and their consequences before deciding.
  • Evaluate your personal values and priorities.
  • Consult trusted people to get different viewpoints.
  • Stand by your final choice and its consequences.
  • Learn from the experience for future dilemmas.
  • Accept that the choice will be imperfect – it’s about minimizing negative impact.
  • Don’t feel guilty if the outcome is not ideal. You did your best.

The key is to not passively endure these situations, but to face them thoughtfully using personal and interpersonal resources.

Does intuition play a role in all this?

Yes, intuition can certainly play a role when dealing with double binds or dilemmas. However, you need to be careful about how you rely on your intuition.

For double binds, since these are confusing, abusive situations, intuition can help detect that something feels “off”. A vague sense of unease may signal an underlying contradictory injunction.

However, it is important to rationally analyze the situation to clearly identify the contradiction, rather than just relying on intuition.

For dilemmas, intuition may point towards one option that feels “right” instinctively. However, it is best to also consider other rational factors before deciding.

Intuition provides an initial clue, but thoughtful analysis and deliberation are still required, by consulting others. These are dilemmas precisely because the choice is not obvious.

So yes, listen to your intuition, but do not solely depend on it. Combining it with rational reflection is a good strategy when facing double binds and dilemmas. Intuition guides, analysis empowers informed decision making.

The calmer we remain, the more likely we are to have an intuition that helps us find a solution, right?

You’re right, staying calm is important to tap into your intuition constructively when facing a dilemma or double bind. Several elements are at play:

  • Stress and strong emotions can “cloud” intuition. Staying calm helps get clarity.
  • Deep breathing and meditation help focus on your inner sense rather than the outer chaotic situation.
  • Emotional detachment makes it easier to listen to your “inner voice” and gut feelings.
  • Intuition requires being receptive to subtle cues that anxiety or anger can mask.
  • By remaining calm, you give your intuition time to emerge rather than reacting impulsively.
  • Serenity helps trust your intuition rather than doubting or dismissing it.

Of course intuition isn’t foolproof. It can be mistaken. So it always needs to be combined with rational analysis. But a calm, receptive state of mind certainly optimizes it. It’s a valuable ally in dilemmas and double binds, to be listened to with discernment.