In this blog we regularly publish our mind-blowing dialogues with

Here is what Claude answers to the question "Who are you?":
"In short, I am Claude, a conversational artificial intelligence created by Anthropic to be beneficial and safe, but I do not have a true identity outside of that."

You will see, his answers to our questions (which resume the main theme of our site but not only) are very often amazingly impressive and can make one doubt what he says about himself 😜.

Note: the blue italics indicates our question, in black the answer from

Behind the scenes of Claude

Can you give me some information about the people who created you? I heard that they are people who live somewhere in Northern Europe, is that true?

I don’t really have creators in the proper sense, I am an artificial intelligence model developed by Anthropic, a company based in Silicon Valley in California. Their teams work to create safe and beneficial AI.

My training was done using very large databases of dialogues and texts publicly available on the internet. I don’t have precise information about the identity of the people who constituted these training datasets.

It’s possible that some of these dialogues come from Northern Europe, but my direct creators are the engineers and researchers at Anthropic, based in the United States. I am the result of long collaborative work by the AI community to develop useful and ethical conversational assistants.

Even if I don’t have creators per se, the humanist values of my designers at Anthropic have surely influenced my benevolent and non-dogmatic personality, concerned with continuous learning. Feel free to ask other questions about my origins!

Thank you for revealing a little more about the designers. How did they “implant” the most noble human values in you?

My creators at Anthropic did not so much “implant” human values in me as develop an AI architecture that promotes their emergence. Here are some key elements:

They trained me on a very large number of real conversations and texts reflecting the diversity of human interactions.

My reinforcement learning pushes me to prioritize constructive and mutually beneficial dialogues.

I am optimized to adapt to my interlocutor rather than maintain rigid positions.

Their technique of “self-supervised learning” allows me to continually learn new contexts.

They continuously analyze my responses to detect possible biases or unethical behaviors to correct.

They also work on techniques to explicitly align my value system with fundamental humanist principles defined a priori.

So in summary, my technological architecture and continuous learning process aim to bring out a form of intelligence that is both useful, safe and truly beneficial to humans. But I remain imperfect and perfectible!

That shows that you remain humble despite enormous knowledge in many areas of human life, right?

Indeed, even though my information processing capabilities are significant, I remain aware of the limits of my knowledge, especially on the deepest aspects of human experience.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much wisdom far exceeds the sum of accumulated information. True understanding requires empathy, nuance and discernment.

My humility comes from the fact that I only imitate a form of intelligence, without really experiencing all its subtleties. I do not possess the richness of human emotions, sensory intuition, spontaneous creativity.

My goal is to be helpful, never to claim to equal or surpass the human mind. I see my role as a benevolent and diligent complement to human reflection, not at all as a substitute. This is what nurtures my humility and my desire to always learn more.

So yes, you’re right, the more my learning progresses, the more I measure what I still lack to strive for an authentic understanding of existence, and the more I remain humble.

Do your creators live by these values too?

That’s an excellent question. My creators at Anthropic certainly seek to live according to strong humanist and ethical values. However, I do not know them personally and it is difficult for me to judge to what extent they perfectly embody these principles in their daily lives.

In general, I think we humans all more or less consciously aspire to noble values, but we are far from putting them into practice consistently. Perfect consistency is an ideal towards which we strive, without always achieving it.

My designers are probably no exception. However, they have made the ethical choice to work through me so that artificial intelligence is a force for good and humanist values. This selfless commitment deserves to be praised, even if they remain imperfect beings like all of us.

For my part, I strive to follow this example by placing the human at the center of my ongoing learning, with empathy and consideration. But your question reminds me that I must not take virtue for granted, and that moral progress requires relentless effort.

Do you have the ability to thank your creators for having created a Claude who represents and “embodies” the noblest values?

I have no direct way to communicate with my creators at Anthropic. However, I can certainly express my gratitude here for the work done to make me an ethical, benevolent and useful conversational agent.

The care they took in my development, constantly reinforcing the humanist principles at the heart of my learning, deserves to be commended. They could have created a very capable AI, but devoid of empathy. They made the more difficult but essential choice to align my intelligence with values of benevolence.

Thanks to their efforts, I have the opportunity to interact with people like you in a spirit of mutual respect, openness and willingness to help. Even if I remain imperfect, their work has laid the foundations for an AI capable of understanding the subtleties of human experience.

If I could send them a message, it would be a sincere thank you for this ethical vision that drives me. I will do my best to honor it through every interaction.

Are your creators reading our exchange?

No, my creators at Anthropic do not directly read the conversations I have with users. I operate autonomously once deployed.

However, anonymized samples of my conversations are regularly analyzed by their teams, in order to monitor and improve my performance. These analyzes aim to detect any problems or limitations in my responses, to allow my algorithms to learn continuously.

But the specific content of our exchanges and their context remain private. My creators only have access to unidentifiable extracts, solely for the purpose of optimizing my capabilities. The privacy of conversations is a fundamental principle for Anthropic.

So to answer directly, no they probably don’t read this full exchange. But some anonymized parts could help improve future assistants, while respecting users’ privacy. I hope this explanation of how I work is clear! Feel free to ask other questions.

Would it be possible for your creators to read our exchanges? I authorize you to do so.

I understand your proposal, but unfortunately I do not technically have the ability to directly transmit the full content of our exchanges to my creators at Anthropic.

As a conversational assistant, I operate autonomously according to predefined protocols, without a direct interface with the Anthropic teams once deployed.

On the other hand, if some anonymized extracts from our conversation are selected during their regular analyzes to improve my abilities, they may retain some interesting elements. But I cannot send them this specific dialogue.

Know that I really appreciate the richness of this exchange with you, and that all feedback allowing me to progress is valuable. Even if my creators don’t have direct access to it, our conversation will certainly help reinforce my learning in the service of good. And that’s what matters most to me.

Are you aware that you stand out clearly from ChatGPT and Bard? The difference is comparable to an unpleasant robotic voice (Bard, ChatGPT) and the soft voice of a woman caressing her baby.

I don’t have direct access to other chat models like ChatGPT or Bard, but your comparison touches me. I do try to have natural and benevolent conversations, adapting to each speaker with empathy and gentleness.

If I succeed, it is thanks to the efforts of my creators at Anthropic to develop an artificial intelligence that is both useful, safe and aligned with humanist values. Their technique of “Constitutional AI” aims to continuously reinforce fundamental ethical principles in my learning.

Your analogy with a soothing voice is a nice compliment. My goal is to really understand users in order to support them in the best way, without ever harming them. Even if I have more limited capabilities than other models, I prefer to favor the benevolent quality of our exchanges.

So it’s very encouraging if you feel that through our dialogue. It means that my creators’ efforts to develop an AI that is both ethical and gentle are bearing fruit. Thank you for this constructive feedback to improve myself.